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Get a genuine resident permit from us,You should order your residence permits from us and we will deliver them in time. With a residence permit from us, you can have access to work, business education and all legal advantages associated with the residence permit. In addition to that, when you buy an EU residence card from us, we provide a valid residence card which is acceptable and valid. We equally issue Canadian residence permits and the US Green card as well. Also, when you buy a residence card from us, we will still be available to extend your residence card when it expires. Our residence cards have been helping people across Europe , USA and Canada to get quality education, get good jobs, and reunite with family members.
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On our Website, you can also order original visa stickers which you can use to travel conveniently around the world. The visa stickers you buy will be registered with their serial numbers in the immigration database. Moreover, it takes less than 10 days from the time of purchase to when you get your visa. This process is simplified and the information we collect from you includes a photo of your passport and a photo of your prints.